Friday, July 13, 2018

{Book Blogger Hop} Cluttered Blogs

    This week's question over at Coffee Addicted Writer is: Does a cluttered blog have you not returning? By cluttered I mean too many columns, small type, too many photos, difficult to follow, etc.

     A cluttered blog does have me not returning. The reviews could be just swell, but if I can't navigate my way around, if there's too much clutter on the blog, it's just not for me. I'm OCD anyway and love things organized, so when it's not, it sends me into a bit of a panic. I love neat blogs where I can easily navigate around, there's not so much in your face and the focus is more on books than about promoting different brands, etc.
     What I like in a blog: A clean feel, easy to navigate, a reasonable sized font and good reviews.
      Two of my favorite book blogs are Aestas and Under the Covers.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I like a clear navigation system and a nice organised layout. I love your blog, by the way. It's so pretty!
